该程序旨在将一块方形金属加工成一个简单的 50×50 毫米方形口袋,深度为 5 毫米。
场景: 想象一下您有一块比所需口袋尺寸更大的铝块。 您在加工过程中使用直径 10 毫米的立铣刀刀具。
gcodeCopy code
(Starting the program with a comment – Simple 50x50mm pocket milling)
O0001 (Program number)
N1 G21 (Set units to mm)
N2 G90 (Absolute positioning mode)
N3 G40 (Cancel diameter compensation)
N4 G80 (Cancel motion mode)
N5 M03 (Start the spindle clockwise)
N6 G54 (Select work offset coordinate system)
N7 G0 Z50 (Rapid move to safe Z height)
N8 G0 X0 Y0 (Rapid move to the origin point)
N9 T1 M06 (Select tool 1 and tool change)
N10 G43 H1 Z50 (Tool length compensation for tool 1 and move to safe Z height)
N11 M08 (Coolant on)
N12 G0 X25 Y25 (Move to the pocket center)
N13 Z5 (Rapid down a bit closer to the starting Z level)
N14 G1 Z-5 F100 (Feed move to start milling 5mm deep at 100mm/min feed rate)
N15 G17 (XY plane for circular motion)
N16 G2 X25 Y25 I-25 J0 F250 (Clockwise circular motion to cut the pocket)
N17 G0 Z50 (Retract the tool to safe height after milling)
N18 M09 (Coolant off)
N19 M05 (Stop the spindle)
N20 G91 G28 X0 Y0 Z0 (Return to machine home position)
N21 M30 (End of the program)
磨:铣削操作开始,刀具沿顺时针方向切削 5 毫米深的型腔。
完成:刀具退回到安全高度,辅助功能(如主轴和冷却液)关闭。 机器返回到其原始位置。